The breed - SAVANNAH
If you've always dreamed of having a Tiger cud or wild cat in your life ... Savannah cat may be a small compromise for you. The Savannah is a relatively new breed in the cat world, originally created from the breeding of the African Serval

Savannah, as you might guess, resemble a miniature of a wild serval. The breed standards require all traits were as close as possible to the African serval.

Differences between generations (F)
F1 Savannah - Parents: SAVANNAH (domestic cat) x SERVAL It has 50% to 75% of the blood of a serval. Since these cats are the closest to a serval, they require the most attention

What Do You Need to Know About the SAVANNAH?
Kot Savannah to wyłącznie kot domowy. Nie pozwalamy, aby był wypuszczany na zewnątrz w niezabezpieczonym ogrodzie. Chcemy aby nasze koty były tylko w domach przystosowanych do specyfiki rasy.