F1 Savannah - Parents: SAVANNAH (domestic cat) x SERVER
It has 50% to 75% of the blood of a serval. Since these cats are the closest to a serval, they require the most attention. They are the biggest and the heaviest, but even in F1s there is no rule. In many countries, the F1 generation are banned or requires registration/ license. Also special conditions for keeping, on the same terms as the serval.
F2 Savannah - Parents: SAVANNAH F1 x SAVANNAH F5 (* or higher generation)
The "F2" generation is one that has 25% to 32% of serval blood (that is, the offspring of the "F1" generation) This is the ideal generation for a person who still wants that bigger cat, still very much look like the wild serval and with many of his characteristics. The cat that everyone delight 🙂 Savannah F2 is also classified in most countries as a house cat, which does NOT require special registration as an exotic animal in many of the countries.
F3 Savannah - Parents: SAVANNAH F2 x SAVANNAH F5 (* or higher generation) As we enter the middle generations of the Savannah cat, more domestic features appear, but with the added perks of an exotic cat. The cat still has about 12-18% of wild cat blood.
F4 Savannah - Parents: SAVANNAH F3 x SAVANNAH F5 (* or higher generation) This is the first generation of the pure Savannah breed. Called SBT. This is the first Savannah generation that is allowed to attend cat shows. When there are at least three generations of Savannah in both parents in the pedigree, then we are talking about a pure breed, this is the case with all hybrid breeds.
Savannah F5 to F8 - The Savannah cat from the fifth generation is one of the best companions. They are loyal to their owners and show a lot of love and affection for those around them. They still have dog’s personality like the higher generations, but are easier to handle. F5 and the next generation will make you never to want any other breed of cats. Savannah cats from these generations adapt quickly to their surroundings and are a great household member. However, we cannot forget about the needs of the breed also in these generations. F5-F8 Generations often loose their exotic appearance. However, it is worth choosing a breeder who finds cats with the best breed attributes. The cat then still looks like a mini serval, and in behavior it is a lovely purr. Like our Onyx, Rubi and Atik 🙂 for example
* In the description of generations, I use the statement F5 or a higher generation, because males are fertile only from the F5 generation!
We also have the designations A, B, C and SBT
„A” means that only one of the parents was a Savannah cat, and the other was a cat of a different breed (Serval or Bengal, for example). It is currently not advisable to use a cat other than a Serval in breeding. Now the Bengal cats in Savannah pedigree, even in late generation are unwanted
"B" in the register means that both parents are Savannah cats, but the grandfather was of a different breed.
"C" is two parents and all grandparents are Savannah cats, but great-grandparents were not.
"SBT" means that Savannah cats have been crossed up to three generations backwards only with each other (without any other breed). * In the case of generations, for example, F5 registered as "A" - F5a there can be no question of pure Savannah. This means that, for example, mum is a pure Savannah F4 breed, and dad, for example, is an oriental or other breed of cat
Breeder can NOT guarantee the size of a cat! In a hybrid breed, no one knows how many genes a kitten has inherited from a wild cat..